

API Host

https://api.q2open.io/v1 (production)
https://sb-api.q2open.io/v1 (sandbox)

Resource URL Patterns


Welcome! The Q2 Biller Direct API allows developers to receive user-authorized bill data and make payments on behalf of a user.

Here you will find information on how to integrate with and use the Q2 Biller Direct API. We've tried to make this documentation user-friendly and example-filled, but please drop us a line with any questions.

The Q2 Biller Direct API uses standard HTTP verbs to communicate and HTTP response codes to indicate status and errors. All responses come in standard JSON. The Q2 Biller Direct API is served over HTTPS to ensure data privacy, HTTP is not supported.



To quickly experiment with the API, you can use Postman. You'll need to set the apiHost and apiKey environment variables.

Testing with Dedicated Test Companies

Always use these dedicated test companies when developing on Sandbox. By using the below listed test companies and the input fields, it is possible to get a auth, bill, or swap into most statuses the end user may encounter. If you are unable to see these companies when searching on Sandbox, please reach out to your Q2 point of contact.

Input Description
balance The desired balance
dueDate The desired due date in mm/dd/yyyy format
status The desired auth/bill/swap status
Company Name Description
Regular Company 1 thru 5 A standard company to test against
MFA Company 1 thru 2 A company that requires Code or Prompt Based MFA in order to authenticate

Legacy Test Company

This testing path will still work, but the new test companies above are the new standard when developing on Sandbox. You may perform a test authentication with any company to test various use cases. Each use case is triggered based on the username or email used to authenticate. Any password may be used. Here's a list of credentials and their associated test case:

Test Credentials

Input Description
test Test a successful authentication.
testfail Test an authentication failure.
testhold Test an authentication hold.
testmfaquestion Test an authentication requiring question-based MFA.
testmfacode Test an authentication requiring code-based MFA.
testmfaprompt Test an authentication requiring prompt-based MFA.
testpaymentfail Test a payment failure.
testswap Test performing a post-authentication swap. Useful when using Connect with a paymentMethodId.

When a company requires an email as input, append @test.test. to any of the test credentials above. For example, to test an authentication failure, use testfail@test.test.

You may test a successful payment within the Sandbox environment by using 4111111111111111 as the card number, with any valid expiration, zipcode, and random 3-digit CVV.

Legacy Test Company Limitations

Gaining Access

To gain access to the Q2 Biller Direct API, please contact us. After our review process is complete, you'll be provided with an API key which you can use for your requests.


Authenticate your account when using the API by including your secret API key in the request. Your API keys carry many privileges, so be sure to keep them secret! Do not share your secret API keys in publicly accessible areas such as GitHub, client-side code, and so forth.

Authentication to the API is performed via bearer tokens. Pass your API Key as a bearer token in the Authorization header.

Example Request

  curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/bill/list/579b695decfa11012711875d"
    -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e"


Q2 Biller Direct API uses HTTP response status codes to indicate the success or failure of your API requests. If your request fails, Q2 Biller Direct API returns an error using the appropriate status code.

In general, there are three status code ranges you can expect:

Request IDs

Each API request has an associated request identifier. You can find this value in the response headers, under request-id. If you need to contact us about a specific request, providing the request identifier will ensure the fastest possible resolution.

Getting Started

Our white-label products are the fastest way to implement our API's functionality with a design that fits your branding. If you require a more custom integration you may use the following flow.

User Creation

  1. User signs up in your app.
  2. Make a request to the /client endpoint to retrieve a clientId to store in your database for future requests.


  1. Make a request to the /client/create-token endpoint to retrieve a secure SSO token to link accounts.
  2. Link accounts by integrating the Connect product into your application.


  1. Requests can be made to the /bill/list/{clientId} endpoint to retrieve the list of authenticated bills and balance information.
  2. Requests can be made to the /bill/{billId} endpoint to retrieve details on a specific bill.


  1. Provide your user with a "link payment" view to choose a payment method.
  2. Link this payment method using the /payment endpoint.
  3. By default, bills will be paid automatically by using the payment method on file.
  4. To change this, you must make a request to the /payment/settings endpoint to disable recurring payments.
  5. When recurring payments are disabled, in order to make an on-demand payment, one must be scheduled via the /payment/schedule endpoint.
  6. You can cancel a scheduled payment for a bill by using the /payment/cancel endpoint.

Message Security

RSA/AES Encryption

Example Encrypted Request

  "encrypted": "os8th269xgj7tyku7wxl",
  "hash": "PQ5+gSzli4DyOzXUYqT74QIZ9l4VIyWJipb521HfUnwwj0sNPp0ASyodxb3YOmhbM6nZ+bFXkPN1u2vcXo80yYcMy0xXmfcQ27LRsVjD8kLw7PC0LSfKh1ZHvx+xpxnHDDOYwqRMVFUHIz6ggxPJB39f7hZXRvp5JQQhnB/3JfpV/UvmXjhdQlgC50yOOIJ12S36cnncBrwqYvvDV7iY8Uq6x2ddZRl/2GNoUpnf9jIoKEqeNEpuqoD9g6cwcXXgbjyObxfl6zOSQlfgHJye/Me7E0d+4r0/OWhnSYC6GgedAwUM1fBVGAkAqQKEtU2BYD1kIP8hBSMJxWzVjqKn0A=="

Optionally, message encryption may be used when making a POST request to the API.

RSA Request Signing

Example Signed Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/client/create-token" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \
  -H "Signature: MzfMtn6M9rpHyzGSvBPkzbNZlne+rf3tkcLUeMUW8mOMmdP1VtnnVdQA9hdYVObjwibOGdRQmCeoI9Xba5DXGT2/l9wOSJQ4FI90DssY1l+orOiwVwY8quAgBUYd2YDDUGyEJ31Y9yOgwLBp2xC4pA5vfkYtWAC9PccdxDyMZcCm6pz3AVgfCRN1m2rcZsE/VrhWhZof3sYitP3zTfV7KCF3T232HPHQtEYtEMLE4Pi7t4i+KvR4Rejt4a7DIgba3OfVmWf5La7WzdlU4eneIPnVjk3CGUo4t9PIPJQVbLyDSIXiF9pRD8ZlW+19XUe/HyWFHR4em00nbaNjBG4TSQ==" \
  -H "Date: 2019-09-17T14:14:24.874Z" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "identifier": "5b2bd638bdf6035960b98694"

Optionally, 2048-bit asymmetric request signing may be used when making requests to the API.

Keypair Provisioning

API request signing key-pairs can be added manually in the Nexus portal or in automated fashion by providing an API endpoint.


Partner Provided API

An API endpoint may be provided by the partner which the Biller Direct/Cardswap system will use to keep signing keys synchronized. Keys will be requested from the API daily. It is assumed that the expiration of a new partner RSA signing key will be several days at a minimum. If no valid keys are present, the BDCS retrieval job will ping the partner endpoint several times daily to request valid keys. The API must return keys in standard JWKS (JSON Web Key Set) format. Please refer to the JWK standards for more information.

When setting up the API endpoint in Nexus, a collection of headers can also be added if the endpoint requires additional metadata to function. Headers are provided in JSON format.

Signing the API Request

When request signing is enabled, a signature must be provided with every API request. If the signature is not provided, a 401-Unauthorized response will result.


Our white-label products are the fastest way to implement our API's functionality with a design that fits your branding. We've built a set of products that key in on common use cases of our API. These products include Connect, CardSwap and Biller Direct.

WebView Integration

Integration with our products is straightforward.

  1. Create a one-time use token by making a call to the /client/create-token endpoint.
  2. SSO into the white-label product by passing in the token as a URL parameter. An example URL would look like this: https://product.q2open.io?token=123.

Example Code

See our iOS and Android integration examples for example implementations in Swift and Java.



https://connect.q2open.io (production)
https://sb-connect.q2open.io (sandbox)

Connect is a drop-in module that provides a secure, elegant authentication flow for each company that the Q2 Biller Direct API supports. Connect makes it secure and easy for clients to link their accounts, while doing the heavy lifting for the authentication.

View demo

Connect Events

Connect will emit events back to your app using the browser postMessage API, WKScriptMessageHandler on iOS, or addJavascriptInterface on Android, allowing you to decide what to do after the user is finished.

Event Description
auth The user successfully authenticated with a company.
exit The user exited the module without completing an authentication.
alive Emitted every 30 seconds to indicate that the user is not idle.


If the company requires that the user is present to pass through any security flows with every login, as indicated by the company.userPresenceRequired flag, there are a number of constraints to consider when designing your user experience:

Instead of calling the typical API routes, you'll need to open Connect to perform these actions immediately after a successful authentication. The user won't need to re-enter their username and password, but may need to step through security. Using the authId, billId, items, and paymentMethodId URL parameters as documented below, you'll be able to make payments and swaps in real-time, while allowing users the liberty of maintaining their approach to account security.

URL parameters

The following URL parameters can be optionally passed into the Connect URL to customize the experience.

Parameter Description
companyId Deeplink to a specific companyId, skipping the search screen.
swapId Can be used in conjunction with paymentMethodId to move a swap to a different payment method.
billId Can be used in conjunction with paymentMethodId to make a payment when company.userPresenceRequired is true.
cardPaymentsOnly Limit searches to companies that support card-based payments.
items Indicates the next desired action once an authentication is successful. Set to swap to automatically create a Swap. Set to bill to update bill data. Set to payment (in conjuction with a billId) to make a real-time payment towards the balance.
paymentMethodId Sets a previously added payment method to be used for a swap or payment once an authentication is successful.

URL Examples

To authenticate with a company:


To make a payment when company.userPresenceRequired is true:


To initiate a new swap:


To move a swap to a different payment method:


To assign the paymentMethodId as the preferred payment method on a bill:




https://cardswap.q2open.io (production)
https://sb-cardswap.q2open.io (sandbox)

Q2 CardSwap™ is the first switch kit for subscription and eCommerce merchants, allowing users to put your card top-of-wallet for their favorite services—all in one place.

View demo

CardSwap Events

CardSwap will emit events back to your app using the browser postMessage API, WKScriptMessageHandler on iOS, or addJavascriptInterface on Android, allowing you to decide what to do after the user is finished.

Event Description
finish Occurs when the user successfully completes the swap process. Only emits when the startView URL parameter is set to brands.

URL parameters

The following URL parameters can be optionally passed into the CardSwap URL to customize the experience.

Parameter Description
startView Indicates where users are redirected to after completing a swap. Set to brands to skip the introductory page and return users to the brand selection page.
sessionId Session ID to be linked to corresponding Events.

Biller Direct


https://biller-direct.q2open.io (production)
https://sb-biller-direct.q2open.io (sandbox)

Biller Direct is a card-enabled bill pay solution designed to dramatically improve the user experience and economic model of bill pay.

View demo

Biller Direct Events

Biller Direct will emit events back to your app using the postMessage API or WKScriptMessageHandler on iOS, allowing you to decide what to do after the user is finished.

Event Description
alive Emitted every 30 seconds to indicate that the user is not idle.

URL parameters

The following URL parameters can be optionally passed into the Biller Direct URL to customize the experience.

Parameter Description
companyId Deeplink to a specific bill for the companyId specified if a bill already exists, or fallback to the authentication screen for the specified companyId.
billId Setting to a specific Bill _id will deeplink the user into the detailed view of the bill.
skipOnboarding Setting to true will skip the introductory screens and animations.
cardPaymentsOnly Limit searches to companies that support card-based payments.


Example Event with sessionId

  "event": {
    "_id": "580e3e11dec21e861b5a3719",
    "type": "session.example",
    "created": "2016-04-20T16:51:12Z",
    "sessionId": "yoursessionid"
    "payload": {
      "resource": {
        "type": "example",
        "id": "579b695decfa11012711875d"
      "data": {
        "example": "session"

Adding a sessionId as a URL parameter will link that sessionId to any Events that happen during your customer's session. We recommend creating a new sessionId every time a customer uses a white-label product.

URL Example



Authenticating client accounts can be implemented using the Connect product.

Create auth

Example Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/auth" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "items": ["bill"],
    "paymentIdentifier": "PaymentIdentifier001",
    "meta": {
        "paymentMethodId": "56e1ddbd1a05319bc198d36f",
        "billId": "579b695decea110719b1874d"
    "clientId": "579b695decfa11012711875d",
    "companyId": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
    "form": {
        "email": "example@example.com",
        "password": "12345678"

Example Response

    "success": true,
    "message": "Auth has been queued and will respond via webhooks.",
    "authId": "579b695decea110719b1874d"

Instead of using the Connect Product to handle collecting and verifying credentials, the auth endpoint can be used in conjunction with webhook events and the auth step endpoint to have full control of the user experience. Due to the complexity of the auth process, the webhook events that support this are not enabled by default. Please reach out to your customer support contact to discuss using this feature.

Create auth submits a request to validate given credentials then retrieves bill data, initiates a payment, or performs a swap. Initiating a payment through the auth endpoint is only necessary when userPresenceRequired is true. When userPresenceRequired is true, this means the client is setup on the company's site to use code or prompt based MFA.

HTTP Request

POST https://api.q2open.io/v1/auth


Parameter Description
clientId ID of client to create the auth for.
companyId ID of the company to validate credentials for.
items What to do after validating credentials. Valid items are bill, payment, and swap. swap should not be used with the others.
paymentIdentifier Optional custom identifier for external system correlation.
meta.paymentMethodId Optional ID of payment method to assign.
meta.billId Optional ID of existing bill. Should not be used with swapId.
meta.swapId Optional ID of existing swap. Should not be used with billId.
form Required login fields that are unique to each company. Usually email/username and password, but sometimes it can be more such as phone number or account number


A success message and the new or existing authId for the given company.

Auth Step

Example Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/auth" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "token": "6218f231494a186f08983d89",
    "method": "code",
    "security": {
        "identifier": "P4erF9C__n73GY",
        "answer": "44555"

Example Response

    "success": "true",
    "message": "Auth security response has been queued and will respond via webhooks."

When create auth requires additional security, the system will send out a webhook asking for answers to questions based, code based, or prompt based style security.

Use the auth step endpoint to respond to security webhook events to progress through the realtime credential validation process.

HTTP Request

POST https://api.q2open.io/v1/auth/step


Parameter Description
token ID provided by webhooks for correlation to the auth validation process.
method String of the type of response this correlates to: 'questions', 'code', 'prompt'
security Object containing the response to the webhook request for security information.
didNotReceiveCode Boolean used if the user never received the code that was requested.

Example Auth Webhooks and Steps

Questions Based MFA

Questions Based MFA example Webhook

  "resource": {
    "id": "6217deda4c94a9f552489392",
    "type": "client"
  "data": {
    "auth": {...},
    "method": "questions",
    "input": [
        "identifier": "ibY1g2PC4wrc6q",
        "question": "What is your mother's maiden name?"
        "identifier": "P4erF9C__n73GY",
        "question": "What is your favorite color?"
    "token": "6218f985494a186f08983ec2"

Auth Step for Questions Based MFA

    "token": "6218f985494a186f08983ec2",
    "method": "questions",
    "security": [
            "identifier": "ibY1g2PC4wrc6q",
            "answer": "Smith"
            "identifier": "P4erF9C__n73GY",
            "answer": "White"

Security questions that are required to verify user. If these are not answered by the client in realtime, they can be answered with Answer Questions

Code Based MFA

Code Based MFA example Webhook

    "resource" : {
        "type" : "client",
        "id" : "5d9b819aacffca301b076958"
    "data" : {
        "company" : {...},
        "method" : "code",
        "input" : [
                "type" : "text",
                "mask" : "xxx-xxx-1234",
                "identifier" : "Xf9DWrxK_",
                "label" : "Text: xxx-xxx-1234"
                "type" : "email",
                "mask" : "e..e@example.com",
                "identifier" : "fWaGHa00al",
                "label" : "Email: e..e@example.com"
        "token" : "5d9ca25aa71f7c94d0fad1b1"

Auth Step for Code Based MFA

    "token": "5d9ca25aa71f7c94d0fad1b1",
    "method": "code",
    "security": {
        "identifier": "Xf9DWrxK_"

Follow up question for Code Bade MFA

  "resource": {
    "id": "6217deda4c94a9f552489392",
    "type": "client"
  "data": {
    "auth": {...},
    "method": "questions",
    "input": [
        "identifier": "QMbuXxBKqnDvYC",
        "question": "What is the code sent to xxx-xxx-1234?"
    "showRetry": true,
    "token": "6218f985494a186f08983ec2"

Security that asks where the client wants the code sent to. Typically either email, phone number, or a device. This will then be followed up with a webhook asking what is the code that was sent. The field showRetry true means the client can use the didNotReceiveCode for the auth step to try to get another code sent. It should be designed to wait at least 30 seconds before allowing the client to send the try again request.

Prompt Based MFA

Prompt Based MFA example Webhook

  "resource": {
    "id": "6217deda4c94a9f552489392",
    "type": "client"
  "data": {
    "auth": {...},
    "method": "prompt",
    "input": [
        "request": "Verify your login with your mobile device"
    "token": "6218f231494a186f08983d89"

Auth Step for Prompt Based MFA

    "token": "6218f231494a186f08983d89",
    "method": "prompt"

Security measure that requires the user to click a prompt sent to a device or email. The response does not need a security payload as this is just an acknowledgement that the prompt was pressed.

The auth object

Example Response

  "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
  "status": {
    "type": "verified"
  "company": {
    "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
    "name": "Netflix",
    "logo": {
      "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/7242937ba29042cce61a8e4745269fce.png",
      "background": false
Attribute Description
_id ID of the auth.
status Status of the auth.
company Company Object

Auth status

Verified Response

  "status": {
    "type": "verified"

Authenticate Response

  "status": {
    "type": "authenticate"

Hold Response

  "status": {
    "type": "hold"
  "reason": {
    "userMessage": "You need to login and verify your account information.",
    "code": "account_issue_verify_identity"

MFA Required Response

  "status": {
    "type": "mfa-required"
  "mfa": {
    "method": "questions",
    "mfa": [{
      "question": "What city did you grow up in?",
      "identifier": "1j5k2l1"
      "question": "What is your favorite food?",
      "identifier": "3buw78h3"

An auth status.type can be a variety of types. Each type is documented below with a description of the status and a typical use case.


The user's auth has been verified. No actions are required.

For Testing this will happen as long as no other valid auth status is entered.


The auth's credentials are no longer valid and need to be reauthenticated using the Connect product.

Bill Authenticate

For Testing set status to authenticate. balance and dueDate are ignored.


An auth's status can be hold for several reasons. When an auth is on hold, the response contains a reason for the hold that you can present to your users. To fix the hold, the user must perform the action described in the reason, which usually requires them to log in to their online account. Once the user has completed the action, make a request to the /auth/{authId}/fix-hold endpoint to resume their services.

Additionally, a code is provided for handling the hold programmatically, if required.

Display hold reason

Bill Hold

Displayed after user returns to app

Bill Hold Confirm

For Testing set status to hold. The account_issue_accept_toc hold code will be placed on the auth. balance and dueDate are ignored.

MFA Required

When the link with a company requires additional MFA.

For Testing set status to mfa-required-questions. balance and dueDate are used for bills but ignored for swaps. Additionally to test code and prompt based MFA that requires user to be present, use mfa-required-code and mfa-required-prompt in the status field.

Auth hold codes

Auth hold's include a code - a short string with a brief explanation - as a value for code. Below is a list of possible codes that can be returned, along with our default messaging and the products they relate to.


Your payment method could not be updated because your iTunes payments are made via Apple Pay. Please update your payment method directly through Apple Pay.


Your Disney+ subscription is currently being paid by a third party provider such as iTunes, Verizon, or the Disney bundle. Sign in to your Disney+ account if you want to change the payment method to your card.


This provider requires additional information. Contact them directly to update your payment method.


We couldn't update your payment method because of an issue with your account. Please go to the provider directly to update your payment method.


We can't update your payment method because you aren't the primary account holder for this provider. Please provide the username and password of the main account holder.


We can't update your payment method because this card isn't accepted by the provider. Contact the provider directly to resolve this issue, then try again.


We can't update your payment method because the provider won't allow any more cards to be added. Please sign in directly on the provider's website to remove a payment method and try again.


We couldn't update your payment method because you're paying for your subscription through a third-party provider (like PayPal or Google Play). Please go to the third-party provider directly to update your payment method.


We couldn't update your payment method because you're paying for your subscription through a third party, such as iTunes or Amazon. To change your payment method, select the third party from the list of providers to add your card.


We couldn't add your card because you don't have an active subscription with this provider. Please activate your subscription and try again.


We couldn't update your payment method because of a technical problem. Please try again.


We’re unable to complete the swap because of a system issue with the provider. Please try again later.


This request has exceeded your financial institution's expiration policy.


Your account has been locked. Unlock your account directly through your provider and try again.


We’re unable to access your account because your login credentials are from a third-party service, such as Facebook or Google. To link your account, disconnect from the third-party service and create new login credentials directly through the provider.


We're unable to access your account because authentication was not fully completed. Please re-authenticate your login credentials and try again.


Your account is not set up for online payments. Log in to your account and set up online payments.


Please log in to your account to set up and verify your personal information.


Please log in to your account and accept the Terms and Conditions.


Please log in to your account and add a service account.


We're unable to access your bill information because your account is connected to a third-party provider.


We're unable to access your bill information because of a system issue. Please try again later.


We're unable to submit this payment because of a system issue. Please try again later.


We’re unable to locate a balance on your account because it is paid in full.


We're unable to submit payments due to restrictions on your account.


We're unable to make payments on inactive accounts.


We are unable to locate a bill on this account. Please contact your provider directly


There are currently no payments required for this bill because it is in forbearance or your account has been inactive for 6 months or longer.


We are unable to update or pay your bill due to foreign currency exchange. Please contact your provider directly.

Subcategories for authentication_not_completed

Code Description
invalid-credentials The credentials provided are invalid.
no-mfa-response-received The user did not provide a MFA response during a realtime job.
invalid-mfa The MFA response provided by the user was invalid.
unanswered-mfa-question There are MFA questions during the authentication process that the user had not provided answers for.

Subcategories for system_issue_with_swap, system_issue_with_bill_payment and system_issue_with_bill

Code Description
selector-not-found Automation was not able to detect expected selector.
navigation-error Automation job encountered navigation error.
job-timeout Automation job timed out.
captcha-failure Automation failed to solve the captcha on the provider website.
proxy-failure Automation job encountered proxy failure.
known-system-error Automation job encountered known system error.
issue-unidentified Automation job failed due to unidentifiable issues.

List all auths

Example Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/auth/list/566595c8ce88ccec69328566" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \

Example Response

  "data": [
      "_id": "579b695decfa11012711875d",
      "status": {
        "type": "verified"
      "company": {
        "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
        "name": "Time Warner Cable",
        "logo": {
          "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/4c805851c738c006546b234e3c3c793d.png",
          "background": false
      "_id": "579b695decfa11012711875d",
      "status": {
        "type": "authenticate"
      "company": {
        "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
        "name": "The Grove at Auburn",
        "logo": {
          "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/0e9a971a96646da46f5faa68862d0f2d.jpg",
          "background": true

Retrieves a list of client's auths.

HTTP Request

GET https://api.q2open.io/v1/auth/list/{clientId}


Parameter Description
clientId ID of client to retrieve auths for.


A dictionary with a data property that contains an array of auth objects.

Fix auth hold

Example Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/auth/566595c8ce88ccec69328566/fix-hold" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \

Example Response

  "success": true

HTTP Request

POST https://api.q2open.io/v1/auth/{authId}/fix-hold


Parameter Description
authId ID of auth to fix.


Returns an object with a success property if the hold was fixed. If the authId does not exist, this call returns an error.

Answer questions

Example Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/auth/{authId}/answer-questions" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "answers": [{
      "answer": "Seattle",
      "identifier": "1j5k2l1"
      "answer": "Pickles",
      "identifier": "3buw78h3"

Accepts a list of answers to the questions presented when an auth has the mfa-required status.

HTTP Request

POST https://api.q2open.io/v1/auth/{authId}/answer-questions


Parameter Description
answers List of answered questions.


Returns an object with a success property indicating the answers were linked to the auth. Returns an error otherwise.

Delete auth

Example Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/auth/566595c8ce88ccec69328566" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \

Example Response

  "success": true

Deletes an auth and all its items from the account.

HTTP Request

DELETE https://api.q2open.io/v1/auth/{authId}


Parameter Description
authId ID of bill to delete.


Returns an object with a success property if the auth was deleted. If the authId does not exist, this call returns an error.


The bill object provides you with up-to-date balance, due date, and payment history for a bill. The API allows you to retrieve, list, and check the status of a user's bills.

The bill object

Example Response

  "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
  "auth": {
    "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
    "created": "2021-10-19T19:46:21.685Z",
    "status": {
      "type": "verified"
    "company": {
      "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
      "name": "Netflix",
      "logo": {
        "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/7242937ba29042cce61a8e4745269fce.png",
        "background": false
    "items": ["bill"]
  "autopay ": "unknown",
  "autopaySource": "unknown",
  "balance": "100.00",
  "customPaymentAmount": "50.00",
  "dueDate": "2018-10-25T00:00:00.000Z",
  "payDate": "2018-10-25T00:00:00.000Z",
  "status": {
    "type": "upcoming"
  "settings": {
    "recurring": "enabled",
    "schedule": "on-due-date",
    "notifications": "enabled"
  "hidden": "false",
  "company": {
    "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
    "name": "Netflix",
    "logo": {
      "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/7242937ba29042cce61a8e4745269fce.png",
      "background": false
    "schedule": "on-due-date"
Attribute Description
_id ID of the bill.
auth Auth object related to the bill.
autopay Autopay field denotes if this bill is setup to autopay or not on the biller’s site. Possible values are enabled, disabled or unknown.
autopaySource Autopay source field denotes how autopay was set, either by the client or by the biller’s site. Possible values are client, company or unknown.
balance Current bill balance or minimum balance for bills such as credit cards or loans.
statementBalance Current statement balance for bills such as credit cards or loans.
fullBalance Current full balance for bills such as credit cards or loans.
dueDate Current bill due date.
customPaymentAmount Custom amount specified by the user to pay towards their outstanding balance. Only defined if the user has specified a custom amount to be paid.
customLabel Custom label the client created for the bill.
lastPaidAmount Amount of last payment.
lastPaidOn The date when this bill was last paid.
payDate The date when the next bill will be paid.
status Status of the bill.
company Company object related to the bill.
settings Settings for a bill.
settings.recurring Whether or not payments are scheduled automatically. Possible values are enabled, disabled.
settings.schedule The schedule for when a bill payment will be made.
settings.notifications Whether or not the notifications for the bill is turned on. Possible values are enabled, disabled.
meta.accountNumber Account number to differentiate multiple bills on the same auth object.
hidden Hidden field denotes if the bill is hidden from the bill dashboard view.

Bill status

Syncing Response

  "status": {
    "type": "syncing"
  "settings": {
    "recurring": "enabled",
    "schedule": "day-before"

Nothing Due Response

  "status": {
    "type": "zero-balance"
  "settings": {
    "recurring": "enabled",
    "schedule": "day-before"

Overdue Response

  "balance": "100.00",
  "dueDate": "2016-03-25T00:00:00.000Z",
  "payDate": "2016-03-24T00:00:00.000Z",
  "status": {
    "type": "overdue"
  "settings": {
    "recurring": "enabled",
    "schedule": "day-before"

Payment Required Response

  "status": {
    "type": "payment-required"
  "settings": {
    "recurring": "enabled",
    "schedule": "day-before"
  "company": {
    "requiredPayment": "card"

Payment Declined Response

  "status": {
    "type": "payment-declined"
  "settings": {
    "recurring": "enabled",
    "schedule": "day-before"

Upcoming Response

  "balance": "100.00",
  "dueDate": "2018-10-25T00:00:00.000Z",
  "payDate": "2018-10-24T00:00:00.000Z",
  "status": {
    "type": "upcoming"
  "settings": {
    "recurring": "enabled",
    "schedule": "day-before"

Pending Response

  "balance": "100.00",
  "dueDate": "2018-10-25T00:00:00.000Z",
  "payDate": "2018-10-24T00:00:00.000Z",
  "status": {
    "type": "pending"
  "settings": {
    "recurring": "enabled",
    "schedule": "day-before"

Paid Response

  "status": {
    "type": "paid"
  "lastPaidAmount": "100.00",
  "lastPaidOn": "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "settings": {
    "recurring": "enabled",
    "schedule": "day-before"

A bill's status.type can be a variety of types. Each type is documented below with a description of the status and a typical use case.


Our system is currently retrieving bill data.

Bill Syncing

For Testing set status to syncing. balance and dueDate are ignored.


Bill data is not available yet. Most common reason is that the user hasn't received a bill. (change image)

Bill Zero Balance

For Testing set balance to 0, dueDate to a valid date, and status to zero-balance.


The due date for the bill has passed, and no payment has been made. Common reasons for an overdue bill are:

Bill Overdue

For Testing set balance > 0, dueDate to a valid date in the past, and status to overdue.


The payment method specified by company.requiredPayment is required to pay this bill. A linked payment method must be assigned before bill payments will resume. This can be done via the /payment/{paymentMethodId}/assign endpoint.

Payment required

No way to test this status as it is rare and requires the company to change its accepted payment methods after the payment method was already assigned to a bill.


The payment method used to pay this bill was declined. To resume bill payments, have the user try their payment method again via the /payment/{paymentMethodId}/retry endpoint, or assign another one via the /payment/{paymentMethodId}/assign endpoint.

Payment declined

For Testing first link the bill by setting balance > 0, dueDate to a valid date in the future, and status to payment-declined. Then schedule a payment for the same billId with no date.


The user has a balance on their account and a due date that is in the future.

Bill Upcoming

For Testing set balance > 0, dueDate to a valid date in the future, and status to upcoming.


The system is actively trying to make a payment for the user. A pending payment cannot be canceled.

Bill Pending

No way to test this status at this time.

The user has no outstanding balance and has a last paid amount on their account.

Bill Paid

For Testing set balance > 0, dueDate to a valid date in the past, and status to paid. Balance will become 0. dueDate and lastPaidOn will be the same. lastPaidAmount will be the balance that was passed in.

Bill payment schedule

A bill's settings.schedule is the number of days before the due date when a bill will be paid. This schedule will be followed when settings.recurring is enabled and the company allows it.

The bill's payDate is the date in which the next bill payment will be made. When recurring payments are enabled, the payDate is calculated by the assigned settings.schedule. When recurring payments are disabled, one-time payments may be scheduled on-demand via the /payment/schedule endpoint. Available settings.schedule options are documented below.


A payment will be made ten days before the due date.


A payment will be made five days before the due date.


A payment will be made the day before the due date.


A payment will be made on the due date.


A payment will be made as soon as a new bill is received.

Retrieve bill details

Example Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/bill/566595c8ce88ccec69328566" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \

Example Upcoming Response

  "bill": {
    "_id": "579b695decfa11012711875d",
    "auth": {
      "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
      "created": "2021-10-19T19:46:21.685Z",
      "status": {
        "type": "verified"
      "company": {
        "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
        "name": "Netflix",
        "logo": {
          "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/7242937ba29042cce61a8e4745269fce.png",
          "background": false
      "items": ["bill"]
    "autopay ": "unknown",
    "autopaySource": "unknown",
    "balance": "100",
    "dueDate": "2018-10-25T00:00:00.000Z",
    "payDate": "2018-10-25T00:00:00.000Z",
    "status": {
      "type": "upcoming"
    "settings": {
      "recurring": "enabled",
      "schedule": "on-due-date",
      "notifications": "enabled"
    "hidden": "false",
    "company": {
      "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
      "name": "Netflix",
      "logo": {
        "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/7242937ba29042cce61a8e4745269fce.png",
        "background": false
      "schedule": "on-due-date"
  "payments": []

Example Paid Response

  "bill": {
    "_id": "579b695decfa11012711875d",
    "auth": {
      "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
      "created": "2021-10-19T19:46:21.685Z",
      "status": {
        "type": "verified"
      "company": {
        "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
        "name": "Netflix",
        "logo": {
          "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/7242937ba29042cce61a8e4745269fce.png",
          "background": false
      "items": ["bill"]
    "status": {
      "type": "paid"
    "hidden": "false",
    "lastPaidAmount": "100",
    "lastPaidOn": "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "settings": {
      "recurring": "enabled",
      "schedule": "on-due-date",
      "notifications": "enabled"
    "autopay ": "unknown",
    "autopaySource": "unknown",
    "company": {
      "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
      "name": "Netflix",
      "logo": {
        "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/7242937ba29042cce61a8e4745269fce.png",
        "background": false
      "schedule": "on-due-date"
  "payments": [{
    "amount": "123.12",
    "paidOn": "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
    "amount": "153.19",
    "paidOn": "2016-01-02T00:00:00.000Z"

Retrieve details about a bill including outstanding balance, due date, settings, status, and payment history.


HTTP Request

GET https://api.q2open.io/v1/bill/{billId}


Parameter Description
billId ID of bill to retrieve.


Returns details for a bill if a valid billId was provided. Returns an error otherwise.

List all bills

Example Request

  curl https://api.q2open.io/v1/bill/list/579b695decfa11012711875d
    -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e"

Example Response

  "data": [
      "bill": {
        "_id": "579b695decfa11012711875d",
        "auth": {
          "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
          "created": "2021-10-19T19:46:21.685Z",
          "status": {
            "type": "verified"
          "company": {
            "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
            "name": "Netflix",
            "logo": {
              "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/7242937ba29042cce61a8e4745269fce.png",
              "background": false
          "items": ["bill"]
        "autopay ": "unknown",
        "autopaySource": "unknown",
        "balance": "100.00",
        "customPaymentAmount": "50.00",
        "dueDate": "2018-10-25T00:00:00.000Z",
        "payDate": "2018-10-25T00:00:00.000Z",
        "status": {
          "type": "upcoming"
        "settings": {
          "recurring": "enabled",
          "schedule": "on-due-date",
          "notifications": "enabled"
        "hidden": "false",
        "company": {
          "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
          "name": "Netflix",
          "logo": {
            "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/7242937ba29042cce61a8e4745269fce.png",
            "background": false
          "schedule": "on-due-date"
      "payments": []
      "bill": {
        "_id": "579b695decfa11012711875d",
        "auth": {
          "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
          "created": "2021-10-19T19:46:21.685Z",
          "status": {
            "type": "verified"
          "company": {
            "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
            "name": "Netflix",
            "logo": {
              "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/7242937ba29042cce61a8e4745269fce.png",
              "background": false
          "items": ["bill"]
        "autopay ": "unknown",
        "autopaySource": "unknown",
        "hidden": "false",
        "status": {
          "type": "paid"
        "lastPaidAmount": "100",
        "lastPaidOn": "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
        "settings": {
          "recurring": "enabled",
          "schedule": "day-before",
          "notifications": "enabled"
        "company": {
          "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
          "name": "Netflix",
          "logo": {
            "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/7242937ba29042cce61a8e4745269fce.png",
            "background": false
      "payments": [{
        "amount": "123.12",
        "paidOn": "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
        "amount": "153.19",
        "paidOn": "2016-01-02T00:00:00.000Z"

Retrieves a list of client's bills.


HTTP Request

GET https://api.q2open.io/v1/bill/list/{clientId}


Parameter Description
clientId ID of the client to retrieve bills for.


A dictionary with a data property that contains an array of bill details.

List all bills by partnerId

Example Request

  curl https://api.q2open.io/v1/bill/listByPartner/616f208da973a0828ecd015c
    -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e"

Example Response

  "data": [
      "bill": {
        "_id": "579b695decfa11012711875d",
        "auth": {
          "_id": "616f208da973a0828ecd0166",
          "created": "2021-10-19T19:46:21.685Z",
          "status": {
            "type": "verified"
          "company": {
            "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
            "name": "Netflix",
            "logo": {
            "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/7242937ba29042cce61a8e4745269fce.png",
            "background": false
          "schedule": "on-due-date"
          "items": ["bill"]
        "balance": "100.00",
        "customPaymentAmount": "50.00",
        "dueDate": "2018-10-25T00:00:00.000Z",
        "payDate": "2018-10-25T00:00:00.000Z",
        "status": {
          "type": "upcoming"
        "autopay ": "unknown",
        "autopaySource": "unknown",
        "settings": {
          "recurring": "enabled",
          "schedule": "on-due-date",
          "notifications": "enabled"
        "hidden": "false",
        "company": {
          "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
          "name": "Netflix",
          "logo": {
            "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/7242937ba29042cce61a8e4745269fce.png",
            "background": false
          "schedule": "on-due-date"
      "payments": [],
      "partnerUserId": "616f208da973a0828ecd0164",
      "partnerId": "616f208da973a0828ecd015c"

Retrieves a list of partner's active bills.

HTTP Request

GET https://api.q2open.io/v1/bill/listByPartner/{partnerId}


Parameter Description
partnerId ID of the partner to retrieve bills for.


A dictionary with a data property that contains an array of bill details.


Company objects allow you to authenticate bills with your users. The API allows you to retrieve and search for companies.

The company object

Sample Response

  "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
  "name": "Netflix",
  "categories": ["streaming"],
  "status": "operational",
  "fullyAutomatedBill": true,
  "fullyAutomatedCardSwap": false,
  "logo": {
    "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/7242937ba29042cce61a8e4745269fce.png",
    "background": false,
    "svg": {
      "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/7242937ba29042cce61a8e4745269fce.svg",
      "color": "FF041F"
  "requiredPayment": "bank",
  "schedule": "on-due-date",
  "additionalPaymentOptions": [{
    "type": "custom-payment-amount",
    "settings": {
      "canExceedBalance": false
  "auth": {
    "urls": {
      "login": "https://www.netflix.com/Login",
      "signup": "https://www.netflix.com"
    "loginFields": [{
      "placeholder": "Username",
      "formType": "text",
      "name": "username",
      "label": "Username"
    }, {
      "placeholder": "Password",
      "formType": "password",
      "name": "password",
      "label": "Password"
  "geo": {
    "lat": 30.70,
    "lng": -95.53,
    "state_short": "TX",
    "state_long": "Texas",
    "zipcode": "77340"
  "fees": {
      "ach": {
          "rate": 1.5,
          "percentage": false
      "cards": {
          "american express": {
              "credit": {
                  "rate": 1.5,
                  "percentage": false
          "discover": {
              "credit": {
                  "rate": 1.5,
                  "percentage": false
              "debit": {
                  "rate": 1.5,
                  "percentage": false
          "mastercard": {
              "credit": {
                  "rate": 1.5,
                  "percentage": false
              "debit": {
                  "rate": 1.5,
                  "percentage": false
          "visa": {
              "credit": {
                  "rate": 1.5,
                  "percentage": false
              "debit": {
                  "rate": 1.5,
                  "percentage": false
          "amex": {
              "debit": {
                  "rate": 1.5,
                  "percentage": false
Attribute Description
_id ID of the company.
name Name of the company.
categories Categories of the company. A company may fall under multiple categories.
status The operational status of the company at any given moment of time. Possible values are operational, maintenance.
fullyAutomatedBill If true, then bill aggregation and payments are fully automated. Possible values are true, false.
fullyAutomatedCardSwap If true, then swapping a card is fully automated. Possible values are true, false.
logo Company logo object.
logo.url URL of the company logo.
logo.background If this is true, then the logo looks best as a background image.
logo.svg Company logo svg object.
logo.svg.url URL of the company svg logo.
logo.svg.color Hex color of the company logo.
requiredPayment If a specific payment method type is required by this company, this will be defined. Possible values are bank, card.
userPresenceRequired If the company requires that the user is present to pass through any security flows. See best practices in the Connect documentation.
schedule The bill payment schedule this company follows. If this parameter is set, the schedule for a bill linked to this company may not be changed. Typically subscription companies such as Netflix have this parameter set since payments must be made on a specific date.
additionalPaymentOptions Present when the company provides additional payment options that allow users to make payments towards their outstanding balance.
fees The surcharge object. Possible child objects are ach, cards
fees.ach Present when the company applies surcharges to ACH payments.
fees.ach.percentage If the ACH surcharge is a percentage of the payment amount.
fees.ach.rate Either a dollar amount or a percentage amount.
fees.cards Present when the company applies surcharges to card payments. Possible child objects are american express, discover, mastercard, and visa, referred to below as {cardBrand}. See example company response.
fees.cards.{cardBrand} Possible child objects are credit or debit, referred to below as {cardType}.
fees.cards.{cardBrand}.{cardType}.percentage If the surcharge is a percentage of the payment amount.
fees.cards.{cardBrand}.{cardType}.rate Either a dollar amount or a percentage amount.
auth Company auth fields.
auth.urls Company Auth Urls (login URL is always available, but the others can by null).
auth.urls.login Login URL.
auth.urls.signup Signup URL.
auth.urls.forgotPassword Forgot password URL.
auth.urls.forgotUsername Forgot username URL.
auth.loginFields Form fields for credentials.
auth.loginFields.placeholder Input placeholder field.
auth.loginFields.formType Input type field.
auth.loginFields.name Input name field.
auth.loginFields.label Label for input.
geo Geo based location (not available for regional or national company).
geo.lat Latitude coordinate.
geo.lng Longitude coordinate.
geo.stateShort Abbreviated state name.
geo.stateLong Full state name.
geo.zipcode Zipcode.
geo.address Formatted address.

Company logos

The Q2 Biller Direct API provides image URL's for each company's logo. For our most popular companies, we also provide a white svg logo, along with the hex color of the company's brand. There are three ideal ways of presenting these logos in your apps.

  1. When the company.logo.svg is available, the svg logo looks best on the company.logo.svg.color background.


  2. When the company.logo.svg is not available and the company.logo.background field is set to false, the logo looks best on a white background.


  3. When the company.logo.svg is not available and the company.logo.background field is set to true, the logo looks best as a background image with the company name overlaid on top.

    Varsity House

Company categories

Example Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/company/categories" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \

Example Response

  "data": [{
    "name": "Electric",
    "type": "electric"

Retrieve a list of company categories you can use to search for companies by category type.

HTTP Request

GET https://api.q2open.io/v1/company/categories


A dictionary with a data property that contains an array of company categories.

Retrieve a company

Example Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/company/566595c8ce88ccec69328566" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \

Example Response

  "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
  "name": "Netflix",
  "categories": ["streaming"],
  "status": "operational",
  "logo": {
    "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/7242937ba29042cce61a8e4745269fce.png",
    "background": false,
    "svg": {
      "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/7242937ba29042cce61a8e4745269fce.svg",
      "color": "FF041F"
  "requiredPayment": "bank",
  "schedule": "on-due-date",
  "auth": {
    "urls": {
      "login": "https://www.netflix.com/Login",
      "signup": "https://www.netflix.com"
    "loginFields": [{
      "placeholder": "Username",
      "formType": "text",
      "name": "username",
      "label": "Username"
    }, {
      "placeholder": "Password",
      "formType": "password",
      "name": "password",
      "label": "Password"
  "geo": {
    "lat": 30.70,
    "lng": -95.53,
    "state_short": "TX",
    "state_long": "Texas",
    "zipcode": "77340"

Retrieves the company with the given ID.

HTTP Request

GET https://api.q2open.io/v1/company/{companyId}


Parameter Description
companyId ID of company to retrieve.


Returns a company object if a valid companyId was provided. Returns an error otherwise.

Search for companies

Example Requests

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/company/search" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "query": "Netflix"
    "paginateResults": "true",
    "pageSize": "25",
    "pageNumber": "1",
    "products": "['cardswap']"
curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/company/search" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "category": "gas"
curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/company/search" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "geo": {
      "lat": 40.233845,
      "lng": -111.65852

Example Response

  "data": [
      "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
      "name": "Netflix",
      "categories": ["streaming"],
      "status": "operational",
      "logo": {
        "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/7242937ba29042cce61a8e4745269fce.png",
        "background": false,
        "svg": {
          "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/7242937ba29042cce61a8e4745269fce.svg",
          "color": "FF041F"
      "requiredPayment": "bank",
      "schedule": "on-due-date",
      "auth": {
        "urls": {
          "login": "https://www.netflix.com/Login",
          "signup": "https://www.netflix.com"
        "loginFields": [{
          "placeholder": "Username",
          "formType": "text",
          "name": "username",
          "label": "Username"
        }, {
          "placeholder": "Password",
          "formType": "password",
          "name": "password",
          "label": "Password"
      "geo": {
        "lat": 30.70,
        "lng": -95.53,
        "state_short": "TX",
        "state_long": "Texas",
        "zipcode": "77340"
  "resultCount": 1

Search for companies by name, category, or nearby a geo coordinate.

Company Categories

HTTP Request

POST https://api.q2open.io/v1/company/search


Parameter Description
query The text string on which to search companies by name.
category Category type retrieved from the /company/categories endpoint.
geo Geo coordinates to search companies by location.
geo.lat Latitude coordinate.
geo.lng Longitude coordinate.
paginateResults Boolean that enables returning paginated results.
pageSize Used with paginateResults to set page size (Max 100).
pageNumber Used with paginateResults to set which page of results gets returned in the data.
products Product type that is enabled on the companies. This parameter is to be an array with string values biller-direct and cardswap as options.


A dictionary with a data property that contains an array of company objects that match the provided search filters. If paginateResults is true, this also includes resultCount which is the total count of matching companies.


In order to make payments towards a user's bill, they must first link a payment method using the /payment endpoint. By default, after a payment method is linked, payments will be made towards a user's bills on time. The API allows you to add and retrieve a user's payment method, as well as make payments towards a bill's outstanding balance and cancel a scheduled payment.

The card object

Example Response

  "number": "XXXX0005",
  "brand": "american express",
  "type": "credit",
  "expDate": "2019-06-01T12:00:00.000Z"
Attribute Description
number Masked card number.
brand Card brand. Possible values are visa, mastercard, american express, etc.
type Card type. Possible values are credit, debit.
expDate Card expiration date.

The bank object

Example Response

  "routingNumber": "XXXX0002",
  "accountNumber": "XXXX0021",
  "type": "checking"
Attribute Description
routingNumber Masked routing number.
accountNumber Masked account number.
type Bank account type. Possible values are checking, savings.

The payment method object

Example Response

  "_id": "580e3e11dec21e861b5a3719",
  "type": "card",
  "identifier": "optional_custom_identifier",
  "status": "verified",
  "default": true,
  "card": {
    "number": "XXXX0005",
    "brand": "american express",
    "type": "credit",
    "expDate": "2019-06-01T12:00:00.000Z"
  "assignedBills": [ "580e3e11dec21e861b5a3719" ]
Attribute Description
_id ID of the payment method.
type The type of the payment method on file. Possible values are card, bank.
identifier Optional custom identifier for external system correlation.
status The status of the payment method on file. Possible values are verified, declined.
default If this is the default payment method. Default means that it will pay any bills not specifically assigned a payment method.
assignedBills A list of bill ID's this payment method was specifically assigned to.
card Card object
bank Bank object

Payment status

A payment method can have one of three statuses. Each type is documented below with a description of the status and a typical use case.


The payment method on file is verified and eligible to make payments.


The payment method on file is not eligible to make payments. This may happen for a number of reasons including:

When a user's payment method fails to pay a bill, we set their payment method status as declined. While their status is declined no bill payments will be made in behalf of the user. To address this issue, you may take one of the following courses of action:

  1. Link a new payment method via the /payment endpoint.
  2. Retry the payment method via the /payment/{paymentMethodId}/retry endpoint.

Declined payment prompt

Failed Payment

If their payment method continues to be declined, it will be removed from their account. If the removed payment method was the default, the user will need to link a new payment method or choose another payment method on file as their default before bill payment services resume.

Add a payment method

Example Card Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/payment" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "clientId": "56e1ddbd1a05319bc198d36f",
    "paymentType": "card",
    "identifier": "optional_custom_identifier",
    "cardNumber": "378282246310005",
    "cardCode": "218",
    "expMonth": "10",
    "expYear": "2017",
    "zipcode": "12345",
    "name": "Demo User",
    "setAsDefault": true,
    "customLabel": "Entertainment Rewards Card"

Example Bank Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/payment" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "clientId": "56e1ddbd1a05319bc198d36f",
    "paymentType": "bank",
    "identifier": "optional_custom_identifier",
    "routingNumber": "021000021",
    "accountNumber": "9900000002",
    "accountType": "checking",
    "name": "Demo User",
    "customLabel": "For Utilities"

Example Response

  "paymentMethodId": "56e1ddbd1a05319bc198d36f"

Add a payment method to a user.

HTTP Request

POST https://api.q2open.io/v1/payment


Parameter Description
clientId ID of the client to add a payment method to.
paymentType Type of payment. Possible values are card, bank.
identifier Optional custom identifier for external system correlation.
cardNumber Credit card number.
cardCode Credit card CVV.
expMonth Credit card expiration month formatted as XX.
expYear Credit card expiration year formatted as XXXX.
zipcode Credit card zipcode.
name The name as it appears on the payment account.
routingNumber Bank routing number.
accountNumber Bank account number.
accountType Type of bank account. Possible values are checking, savings.
setAsDefault Set this payment method as the default.
customLabel Used for letting the user set a custom display name for this account.


Returns an object with a paymentMethodId property if the payment method was successfully added. Returns an error otherwise.

List all payment methods

Example Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/payment/list/566595c8ce88ccec69328566" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \

Example Response

  "data": [
      "_id": "580e3754dec21e861b5a3718",
      "type": "card",
      "identifier": "optional_custom_identifier",
      "status": "verified",
      "default": true,
      "name": "Demo User",
      "card": {
        "number": "XXXX4242",
        "brand": "visa",
        "type": "credit",
        "expDate": "2016-12-01T12:00:00.000Z"
      "_id": "580e3e11dec21e861b5a3719",
      "type": "bank",
      "identifier": "optional_custom_identifier",
      "status": "declined",
      "name": "Demo User",
      "bank": {
        "routing": "XXXX2531",
        "account": "XXXX4124",
        "type": "checking"

Retrieve a list of payment methods on file for a client.

HTTP Request

GET https://api.q2open.io/v1/payment/list/{clientId}


Parameter Description
clientId ID of client to retrieve payment methods for.


A dictionary with a data property that contains an array of payment method objects.

Delete payment method

Example Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/payment/566595c8ce88ccec69328566" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \

Example Response

  "success": true

Delete a payment method on file for bill payments. If a payment was made within the last 24 hours with this payment method, an error will be returned. Q2 requires a 24 hour time span after a payment has been made before a payment method can be deleted.

HTTP Request

DELETE https://api.q2open.io/v1/payment/{paymentMethodId}


Parameter Description
paymentMethodId ID of payment method to delete.


Returns an object with a success property if the payment method was deleted. Returns an error otherwise.

Retry payment method

Sample Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/payment/566595c8ce88ccec69328566/retry" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \

Example Response

  "success": true

Retry a declined payment method on file for bill payments.

HTTP Request

POST https://api.q2open.io/v1/payment/{paymentMethodId}/retry


Parameter Description
paymentMethodId ID of payment method to retry.


Returns an object with a success property if the payment method will be retried. Returns an error otherwise.

Assign payment method

Example Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/payment/566595c8ce88ccec69328566/assign" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "billId": "566595c8ce88ccec69328566",

Example Response

  "success": true

Assign a linked payment method to pay a specific bill. This is required when a company's requiredPayment is defined as card or bank.

HTTP Request

POST https://api.q2open.io/v1/payment/{paymentMethodId}/assign


Parameter Description
paymentMethodId ID of payment method to assign.
billId ID of bill to assign payment method to.


Returns an object with a success property if the payment method was assigned. Returns an error otherwise.

Update payment settings

Example Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/payment/settings" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "billId": "566595c8ce88ccec69328566",
    "recurring": "enabled",
    "schedule": "five-days-before"

Example Response

Update payment settings for a bill.

Some subscription companies, such as Netflix, Hulu, and Spotify require recurring payments to be enabled. If a request to the /payment/settings endpoint is made for one of these companies, an error will be returned and recurring payments will not be disabled.

HTTP Request

POST https://api.q2open.io/v1/payment/settings


Parameter Description
billId ID of bill to update payment settings for.
recurring Whether recurring payments should be enabled or disabled.
schedule The bill payment schedule for payments


Returns an object with a success property if payment settings were successfully updated. Returns an error otherwise.

Schedule payment

Example Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/payment/schedule" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "billId": "566595c8ce88ccec69328566",
    "payDate": "2018-10-25T00:00:00.000Z"
  "apiKey": "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e",
  "billId": "566595c8ce88ccec69328566",
  "payDate": "2018-10-25T00:00:00.000Z"

Example Response

  "success": true

Schedule an on-demand payment towards a bill's outstanding balance.

HTTP Request

POST https://api.q2open.io/v1/payment/schedule


Parameter Description
billId ID of bill to schedule payment for.
An ISO 8601 formatted date that sets what day this bill will be paid. If no date is specified, the bill is scheduled to be paid immediately.


Returns an object with a success property if a payment was scheduled. Returns an error otherwise.

Cancel payment

Example Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/payment/cancel" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "billId": "566595c8ce88ccec69328566",
  "billId": "566595c8ce88ccec69328566",

Example Response

  "success": true

Cancel a scheduled payment for a bill.

HTTP Request

POST https://api.q2open.io/v1/payment/cancel


Parameter Description
billId ID of bill to cancel payment for.


Returns an object with a success property if the payment was canceled. Returns an error otherwise.


To authenticate and interact with the endpoints on behalf of a given user, a clientId is required.

Create Client

Example Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/client" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "identifier": "Bk0zwVx1Z",
    "meta": {
      "firstName": "Demo",
      "lastName": "User",
      "email": "demo@demo.com",
      "phone": "123-123-1234",
      "address1": "123 Api St.",
      "address2": "P.O. Box 283",
      "city": "Demo",
      "state": "Q2",
      "zipcode": "12345"

Example Response

  "clientId": "579b695decfa11012711875d"

Creates or returns an existing client to be used with requests.

If a client already exists with the same identifier included in the request, the existing clientId is returned.

HTTP Request

POST https://api.q2open.io/v1/client


Parameter Description
identifier A unique identifier that represents a user in your system.
meta Additional information about the user in your system.


Returns an object with a clientId property that can be used for requests.

Create Token

Example Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/client/create-token" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "identifier": "Bk0zwVx1Z",
    "accessTokenExpiresIn": 3600

Example Response

  "token": "566595c8ce88ccec69328566c8ce8595c8"

Create a token to be used for SSO into applications.

When creating subsequent tokens for an existing client, be sure to use the same identifier value. If a client already exists with this identifier, then any actions taken within the context of a Product. will be linked to that client.

HTTP Request

POST https://api.q2open.io/v1/client/create-token


Parameter Description
identifier A unique identifier that represents a user in your system.
nonce Optional boolean specifying whether the token is for one time use. Default is false.
expiration An ISO 8601 formatted date that sets when this token will expire. If no expiration is specified, the token will expire after 24 hours.
accessTokenExpiresIn Optional number of seconds that an access token issued using the SSO token is valid. Default is 1 hour (3600).


Returns an object with a token property that can be used to SSO into applications.

Revoke Tokens

Example Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/client/revoke-tokens" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "identifier": "Bk0zwVx1Z",
    "clientToken": "566595c8ce88ccec69328566c8ce8595c8"

Example Response

  "success": true

Revokes client SSO and access tokens associated with either a client or client SSO token. When a token is revoked, it can no longer be used to access the Biller Direct API.

Either a client identifier or clientToken must be provided. If a client identifier is provided, all current SSO and access tokens associated with that client will be revoked. If a clientToken from Create Token is provided, that token and any related access tokens will be revoked. If both parameters are passed, the clientToken parameter is ignored.

HTTP Request

POST https://api.q2open.io/v1/client/revoke-tokens


Parameter Description
identifier Optional A unique identifier that represents a user in your system.
clientToken Optional The client SSO token produced by a call to Create Token.


Returns an object with a success property.

Sync Client

Example Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/client" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "client": {
      "identifier": "Bk0zwVx1Z",
      "meta": {
        "firstName": "Demo",
        "lastName": "User",
        "email": "demo@demo.com",
        "phone": "123-123-1234",
        "address1": "123 Api St.",
        "address2": "P.O. Box 283",
        "city": "Demo",
        "state": "Q2",
        "zipcode": "12345"
    "token": {
      "expiration": "2025-01-30T00:00:00.000Z"
    "cards": [{
      "identifier": "fiId123",
      "cardNumber": "4111111111111111",
      "cardCode": "123",
      "cardType": "credit",
      "cardBrand": "visa",
      "expMonth": "02",
      "expYear": "2040",
      "zipcode": "12345",
      "name": "Demo User",
      "setAsDefault": "true",
      "customLabel": "Entertainment Rewards Card"

Example Response

  "clientId": "579b695decfa11012711875d",
  "ssoToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWJqZWN0IjoiNWYwMzY1YTdhZjkyODg5NjhiNTNiM2QzIiwiaWF0IjoxNTk0MDU4OTQ1LCJleHAiOjE1OTQxNDUzNDUsImlzcyI6IlBBWUJJREVUIiwic3ViIjoiNWYwMzY1YTdhZjkyODg5NjhiNTNiM2QzIn0.kO_x9cZRlhI4dyGarOPI1w2gW2QI-ObqyKFdXKs64Ek",
  "cards": [{
    "paymentMethodId": "55942f330cfcfd6c4ed529d9",
    "identifier": "fiId123"

Syncs client data and card information by combining the create client, create token, and add payment method calls.

If a client already exists with the same identifier included in the request, the existing clientId is returned.

HTTP Request

POST https://api.q2open.io/v1/client/sync


Parameter Description
client The object used from the create client call.
token The object used from the create token call.
cards A list of cards to be added to the client, as specified in the add payment method call. You can specify the cardType and cardBrand parameters for a much faster call speed. Possible values for cardType are credit, debit. Possible values for cardBrand are american express, discover, maestro, mastercard, uatp, visa.


Returns an object with a clientId property that can be used for requests, an ssoToken that can be used with white-label products, and a cards array that includes a list of objects that include the paymentMethodId of the created card and identifier passed in.


Enables account holders to automatically apply new debit or credit card information across their favorite subscription and digital point-of-sale services.

The swap object

Example Response

  "_id": "5b4cdadf8ea75a6602ff82bb",
  "status": {
    "type": "completed"
  "auth": {
    "_id": "5b4cdade36c0c10108a57405",
    "status": {
      "type": "verified"
  "company": {
    "_id": "5522f59264f5785929aa1c42",
    "name": "Hulu",
    "status": "operational",
    "logo": {
      "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/a3c89f48378c84713fb31ce0e97bfa15.png",
      "background": false
  "paymentMethod": {
    "_id": "5b296e67a15d4e0001174fc2",
    "type": "card",
    "name": "Demo User",
    "status": "verified",
    "default": true,
    "card": {
      "number": "XXXX7989",
      "bin": "41474002",
      "brand": "visa",
      "type": "credit",
      "expDate": "2023-06-01T12:00:00.000Z"

Attribute Description
_id ID of the swap. Unavailable when the status.type is pending.
status Status of the swap.
auth Auth object related to the swap.
company Company object related to the swap.
paymentMethod Payment method object to be swapped in.

Swap status

In Progress Response

  "status": {
    "type": "in-progress"

Hold Response

  "status": {
    "type": "hold"

Completed Response

  "status": {
    "type": "completed"

Card On File Response

  "status": {
    "type": "card-on-file"

A swap status.type indicates the current state of a request to swap a payment method with a particular company.


The swap of the payment method is currently in progress.

For Testing set status to in-progress. balance and dueDate are ignored.


The swap of the payment method is currently on hold as described in the Auth Status.

For Testing refer to auth hold.


The swap of the payment method has been completed successfully.

For Testing set status to completed. balance and dueDate are ignored.


The swap of the payment method has been completed with the detection that the card was already on file.

For Testing set status to card-on-file. balance and dueDate are ignored.

Add a swap

Example Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/swap/create" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "authId": "566595c8ce88ccec69328566",
    "paymentMethodId": "5b4cdade36c0c10108a57405"

HTTP Request

POST https://api.q2open.io/v1/swap/create


Parameter Description
authId ID of auth to create a swap for.
paymentMethodId ID of payment method to link to the swap.


Returns an object with a success property if the swap was created. Returns an error otherwise.

Company list

Example Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/swap/companies" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \

Example Response

  "data": [
      "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
      "name": "Netflix",
      "logo": {
        "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/7242937ba29042cce61a8e4745269fce.png",
        "background": false,
        "svg": {
          "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/7242937ba29042cce61a8e4745269fce.svg",
          "color": "FF041F"
      "requiredPayment": "bank",
      "schedule": "on-due-date",
      "auth": {
        "urls": {
          "login": "https://www.netflix.com/Login",
          "signup": "https://www.netflix.com"
        "loginFields": [{
          "placeholder": "Username",
          "formType": "text",
          "name": "username",
          "label": "Username"
        }, {
          "placeholder": "Password",
          "formType": "password",
          "name": "password",
          "label": "Password"
      "geo": {
        "lat": 30.70,
        "lng": -95.53,
        "state_short": "TX",
        "state_long": "Texas",
        "zipcode": "77340"

Retrieve a list of companies that support swaps.

HTTP Request

GET https://api.q2open.io/v1/swap/companies


A dictionary with a data property that contains an array of company objects that support swaps.

List all swaps

Example Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/swap/list/566595c8ce88ccec69328566" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \

Example Response

  "data": [
      "_id": "5b4cdadf8ea75a6602ff82bb",
      "status": {
        "type": "completed"
      "auth": {
        "_id": "5b4cdade36c0c10108a57405",
        "status": {
          "type": "verified"
      "company": {
        "_id": "5522f59264f5785929aa1c42",
        "name": "Hulu",
        "status": "operational",
        "logo": {
          "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/a3c89f48378c84713fb31ce0e97bfa15.png",
          "background": false
      "paymentMethod": {
        "_id": "5b296e67a15d4e0001174fc2",
        "type": "card",
        "name": "Demo User",
        "status": "verified",
        "card": {
          "number": "XXXX7989",
          "bin": "41474002",
          "brand": "visa",
          "type": "credit",
          "expDate": "2023-06-01T12:00:00.000Z"

Retrieves a list of client's swaps.

HTTP Request

GET https://api.q2open.io/v1/swap/list/{clientId}


Parameter Description
clientId ID of client to retrieve swaps for.


A dictionary with a data property that contains an array of swap objects.


Partner API endpoints allow partner-specific information to be retrieved.

Get public keys

Example Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/partner/public-keys" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \

Example Response

  "keys": [
      "kty": "RSA",
      "n": "yn8Ek5WFlw0YIsXpjqC7_MCN4OfUAUVp3tje...",
      "e": "AQAB",
      "use": "enc",
      "kid": "5b4cdadf8ea75a6602ff82bb",
      "x5c": "MIIFczCCBFugAwIBAgISBB/csS+OpHRTGG..."
      "kty": "RSA",
      "n": "yn8Ek5WFlw0YIsXpjqC7_MCN4OfUAUVp33ds...",
      "e": "AQAB",
      "use": "enc",
      "kid": "5b4cdadf8ea75a6602ff82bc",
      "x5c": "MIIFczCCBFugAwIBAgISBB/csS+OpHRTGG..."

Retrieves an array of active public keys from the current partner for request encryption. Partner keys are managed in the Nexus application.

HTTP Request

GET https://api.q2open.io/v1/partner/public-keys


A response with a keys array that contains active partner public keys in JWK Set format.

Get specific public key

Example Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/partner/public-keys/{keyId}" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \

Example Response

  "kty": "RSA",
  "n": "yn8Ek5WFlw0YIsXpjqC7_MCN4OfUAUVp3tje...",
  "e": "AQAB",
  "use": "enc",
  "kid": "5b4cdadf8ea75a6602ff82bb",
  "x5c": "MIIFczCCBFugAwIBAgISBB/csS+OpHRTGG..."

Retrieves a specific public key from the current partner for request encryption. Partner keys are managed in the Nexus application.

HTTP Request

GET https://api.q2open.io/v1/partner/public-keys/{keyId}


Parameter Description
keyId ID of the key to retrieve.


A response with the latest public key content in JWK format.

Get latest public key

Example Request

curl "https://api.q2open.io/v1/partner/public-keys/latest" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \

Example Response

  "kty": "RSA",
  "n": "yn8Ek5WFlw0YIsXpjqC7_MCN4OfUAUVp3tje...",
  "e": "AQAB",
  "use": "enc",
  "kid": "5b4cdadf8ea75a6602ff82bb",
  "x5c": "MIIFczCCBFugAwIBAgISBB/csS+OpHRTGG..."

Retrieves the latest public key from the current partner for request encryption. Partner keys are managed in the Nexus application.

HTTP Request

GET https://api.q2open.io/v1/partner/public-keys/latest


A response with the latest public key content in JWK format.


Events are our way of letting you know when something interesting happens on behalf of your users. When an interesting event occurs, we create a new Event object. For example, when a new bill is received, we create a bill.update event; when a bill payment is sent, we create a bill.payment event.

We have a system for sending the event objects directly to an endpoint on your server, called webhooks. Webhooks are managed in Nexus.

The event object

Example Response

  "_id": "580e3e11dec21e861b5a3719",
  "type": "bill.update",
  "created": "2016-04-20T16:51:12Z",
  "clientId": "579b695decfa110127118752",
  "sessionId" : "your-session-id-if-supplied-12345"
  "identifier": "example-id-123",
  "partnerId": "55942f330cfcfd6c4ed529d9",
  "payload": {
    "resource": {
      "id": "579b695decfa11012711875d",
      "type": "bill"
    "data": {
      "previous": {
        "balance": "25.21"
      "current": {
        "balance": "52.11"
Attribute Description
_id ID of the event.
type Description of the event: e.g. bill.issued, bill.updated, etc.
clientId The id of the client to which the event pertains.
partnerId The id of the partner to which the event pertains.
sessionId Your internal identifier associated with the client session as described in Sessions.
identifier Your internal identifier associated with the client.
created An ISO 8601 formatted date of when this event was created.
payload Object containing data associated with the event..
payload.resource Object containing data associated with the resource of the event.
payload.resource.id ID of the resource associated with the event.
payload.resource.type The type of resource associated with the event. Possible values are bill.
payload.data Object containing unique attributes per type as described in types of events.

Types of events

This is a list of all the types of events we currently send. We may add more at any time, so you shouldn't rely on only these types existing in your code.

You'll notice that these events follow a pattern: resource.event. Our goal is to design a consistent system that makes things easier to anticipate and code against.

Each event object includes a payload.data property which contains unique values for each type of event. Each event type below describes these unique values.

Auth success

Example auth.success Event

  "event": {
    "_id": "580e3e11dec21e861b5a3719",
    "type": "auth.success",
    "created": "2016-04-20T16:51:12Z",
    "clientId": "579b695decfa110127118752",
    "partnerId": "55942f330cfcfd6c4ed529d9",
    "identifier": "example-id-123",
    "payload": {
      "resource": {
        "type": "client",
        "id": "579b695decfa110127118752"
      "data": {
        "auth" : {
          "_id" : "5b157888cb7e60000bfcaa41",
          "items" : [
          "company" : {
            "_id" : "55942f330cfcfd6c4ed529d8",
            "name" : "Geico"
          "status" : {
            "type" : "verified"

When a client has successfully completed the authentication process.

Attribute Description
type auth.success
payload.resource.id The ID of the client who was authenticating.
payload.resource.type The type of resource referred to by the resource.id. Value: client.
payload.data.auth The auth object linked to this resource.

Auth invalid

Example auth.invalid Event

  "event": {
    "_id": "580e3e11dec21e861b5a3719",
    "type": "auth.invalid",
    "created": "2016-04-20T16:51:12Z",
    "clientId": "579b695decfa110127118752",
    "partnerId": "55942f330cfcfd6c4ed529d9",
    "identifier": "example-id-123",
    "payload": {
      "resource": {
        "type": "auth",
        "id": "579b695decfa11012711875d"
      "data": {
        "company" : {
          "_id" : "55942f330cfcfd6c4ed529d8",
          "name" : "Geico"

When the auth's credentials are no longer valid and need to be reauthenticated.

Attribute Description
type auth.invalid
payload.resource.id The ID of the auth that needs to be reauthenticated.
payload.resource.type The type of resource referred to by the resource.id. Value: auth.
payload.data.company The company object linked to this resource.

Auth deleted

Example auth.deleted Event

  "event": {
    "_id": "580e3e11dec21e861b5a3719",
    "type": "auth.deleted",
    "created": "2016-04-20T16:51:12Z",
    "clientId": "579b695decfa110127118752",
    "partnerId": "55942f330cfcfd6c4ed529d9",
    "identifier": "example-id-123",
    "payload": {
      "resource": {
        "type": "auth",
        "id": "579b695decfa110127118752"
      "data": {
        "company" : {
          "_id" : "55942f330cfcfd6c4ed529d8",
          "name" : "Geico"

When a client deletes an auth.

Attribute Description
type auth.deleted
payload.resource.id The ID of the auth that was deleted.
payload.resource.type The type of resource referred to by the resource.id. Value: auth.
payload.data.company The company object linked to this resource.

Auth hold

Example auth.hold Event

  "event": {
    "_id": "580e3e11dec21e861b5a3719",
    "type": "auth.hold",
    "created": "2016-04-20T16:51:12Z",
    "clientId": "579b695decfa110127118752",
    "partnerId": "55942f330cfcfd6c4ed529d9",
    "identifier": "example-id-123",
    "payload": {
      "resource": {
        "type": "auth",
        "id": "579b695decfa11012711875d"
      "data": {
        "hold" : {
          "code" : "account_issue_no_service_account",
          "text" : "Please login and add your service account."
        "company" : {
          "_id" : "55942f330cfcfd6c4ed529d8",
          "name" : "Geico"

When an auth receives a hold that prevents access to the account data.

Attribute Description
type auth.hold
payload.resource.id The ID of the auth that was put on hold.
payload.resource.type The type of resource referred to by the resource.id. Value: auth.
payload.data.hold The hold placed on the account.
payload.data.company The company object linked to this resource.

Auth needs resync

Example auth.needs-resync Event

  "event": {
    "_id": "580e3e11dec21e861b5a3719",
    "type": "auth.needs-resync",
    "created": "2016-04-20T16:51:12Z",
    "clientId": "579b695decfa110127118752",
    "partnerId": "55942f330cfcfd6c4ed529d9",
    "identifier": "example-id-123",
    "payload": {
      "resource": {
        "type": "auth",
        "id": "579b695decfa110127118752"
      "data": {
        "company" : {
          "_id" : "55942f330cfcfd6c4ed529d8",
          "name" : "Geico"

When an auth requires the client to re-verify credentials.

Attribute Description
type auth.needs-resync
payload.resource.id The ID of the auth that needs to be resynced.
payload.resource.type The type of resource referred to by the resource.id. Value: auth.
payload.data.company The company object linked to this resource.

Bill created

Example bill.created Event

  "event": {
    "_id": "580e3e11dec21e861b5a3719",
    "type": "bill.created",
    "created": "2016-04-20T16:51:12Z",
    "clientId": "579b695decfa110127118752",
    "partnerId": "55942f330cfcfd6c4ed529d9",
    "identifier": "example-id-123",
    "payload": {
      "resource": {
        "type": "bill",
        "id": "579b695decfa11012711875d"
      "data": {
        "auth": {
          "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
          "status": {
            "type": "verified"
          "company": {
            "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
            "name": "XYZ Electric",
            "logo": {
              "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/7242937ba29042cce61a8e4745269fce.png",
              "background": false

When a bill is found on an associated auth.

Attribute Description
type bill.created
payload.data.auth The auth object linked to the bill.

Bill upcoming

Example bill.upcoming Event

  "event": {
    "_id": "580e3e11dec21e861b5a3719",
    "type": "bill.upcoming",
    "created": "2016-04-20T16:51:12Z",
    "clientId": "579b695decfa110127118752",
    "partnerId": "55942f330cfcfd6c4ed529d9",
    "identifier": "example-id-123",
    "payload": {
      "resource": {
        "type": "bill",
        "id": "579b695decfa11012711875d"
      "data": {
        "company": {
          "name": "Netflix"
        "bill": {
          "balance": "52.11",
          "dueDate": "2019-03-28 17:00:00.000"

When an upcoming bill is due in the next two days.

Attribute Description
type bill.upcoming
payload.data.company The company object linked to this resource.
payload.data.bill Object containing the current bill balance and due date.

Bill update

Example bill.update Event

  "event": {
    "_id": "580e3e11dec21e861b5a3719",
    "type": "bill.update",
    "created": "2016-04-20T16:51:12Z",
    "clientId": "579b695decfa110127118752",
    "partnerId": "55942f330cfcfd6c4ed529d9",
    "identifier": "example-id-123",
    "payload": {
      "resource": {
        "type": "bill",
        "id": "579b695decfa11012711875d"
      "data": {
        "company": {
          "name": "Netflix"
        "bill": {
          "balance": {
            "previous": "25.21",
            "current": "52.11"
          "dueDate": {
            "current": "2019-03-28 17:00:00.000"

When a bill's outstanding balance changes. Note that the payload.data.previous value may not always be available. For instance, when the system first aggregates bill data, the previous bill balance may not have been known. Also note that when the payload.data.previous.balance is 0.00 and there is a new current balance, this means that a new bill was issued by the company's system.

Attribute Description
type bill.update
payload.data.company The company object linked to this resource.
payload.data.bill Object containing the names of the bill attributes that have changed and their previous values as well as the current bill due date.

Bill scheduled payment notice

Example bill.scheduled-payment-notice Event

  "event": {
    "_id": "580e3e11dec21e861b5a3719",
    "type": "bill.scheduled-payment-notice",
    "created": "2016-04-20T16:51:12Z",
    "clientId": "579b695decfa110127118752",
    "partnerId": "55942f330cfcfd6c4ed529d9",
    "identifier": "example-id-123",
    "payload": {
      "resource": {
        "type": "bill",
        "id": "579b695decfa11012711875d"
      "data": {
        "company": {
          "name": "XYZ Electric"
        "bill": {
          "dueDate": {
            "previous": "2019-03-20 17:00:00.000",
            "current": "2019-03-28 17:00:00.000"

When the due date changes after a bill payment has been scheduled.

Attribute Description
type bill.scheduled-payment-notice
payload.data.company The company object linked to this resource.
payload.data.bill The bill object containing attributes that have changed with their current and previous values, if available.

Bill payment sent

Example bill.payment.sent Event

  "event": {
    "_id": "580e3e11dec21e861b5a3719",
    "type": "bill.payment.sent",
    "created": "2016-04-20T16:51:12Z",
    "clientId": "579b695decfa110127118752",
    "partnerId": "55942f330cfcfd6c4ed529d9",      
    "identifier": "example-id-123",
    "payload": {
      "resource": {
        "type": "bill",
        "id": "579b695decfa11012711875d"
      "data": {
        "company": {
          "name": "Netflix"
        "amount": "25.21",
            "_id": "5c5b2ed67d94870391c30b33",
            "type": "card",
            "name": "Johnny Appleseed",
            "status": "verified",
              "number": "XXXX1111",
              "bin": "41111111",
              "brand": "visa",
              "type": "credit",
              "expDate": "2021-06-01T12:00:00.000Z",
        "surcharge": {
          "type": "debit",
          "rate": "2.50"

When a payment is made towards a bill's outstanding balance. Note that the payload.data.surcharge may not be available when a company does not require it.

Attribute Description
type bill.payment.sent
payload.data.company The company object linked to this resource.
payload.data.paymentMethod The payment method object linked to the payment.
payload.data.amount The amount sent to the company.
payload.data.surcharge The surcharge required by the company to process the payment.
payload.data.surcharge.type The type of surcharge required. Possible values are credit, debit, or ach.
payload.data.surcharge.rate The fee amount the company requires to process the payment.

Bill payment scheduled

Example bill.payment.scheduled Event

  "event": {
    "_id": "580e3e11dec21e861b5a3719",
    "type": "bill.payment.scheduled",
    "created": "2016-04-20T16:51:12Z",
    "clientId": "579b695decfa110127118752",
    "partnerId": "55942f330cfcfd6c4ed529d9",
    "identifier": "example-id-123",
    "payload": {
      "resource": {
        "type": "bill",
        "id": "579b695decfa11012711875d"
      "data": {
        "company": {
          "name": "XYZ Electric"
        "paymentMethod": {
          "_id": "5c5b2ed67d94870391c30b33",
          "type": "card",
          "name": "Johnny Appleseed",
          "status": "verified",
          "default": true,
          "card": {
            "number": "XXXX1111",
            "bin": "41111111",
            "brand": "visa",
            "type": "credit",
            "expDate": "2021-06-01T12:00:00.000Z",
            "cancelled": false
          "assignedBills": [
        "amount": "95.21",
        "payDate": "2019-03-28 17:00:00.000",
        "surcharge": {
          "type": "debit",
          "rate": "2.50"

When a payment is made towards a bill's outstanding balance. Note that the payload.data.surcharge may not be available when a company does not require it.

Attribute Description
type bill.payment.scheduled
payload.data.company The company object linked to this resource.
payload.data.amount The amount sent to the company.
payload.data.payDate The date the bill should be paid.
payload.data.paymentMethod The payment method object linked to the payment.
payload.data.surcharge The surcharge required by the company to process the payment.
payload.data.surcharge.type The type of surcharge required. Possible values are credit, debit, or ach.
payload.data.surcharge.rate The fee amount the company requires to process the payment.

Bill payment cancelled

Example bill.payment.cancelled Event

  "event": {
    "_id": "580e3e11dec21e861b5a3719",
    "type": "bill.payment.cancelled",
    "created": "2016-04-20T16:51:12Z",
    "clientId": "579b695decfa110127118752",
    "partnerId": "55942f330cfcfd6c4ed529d9",
    "identifier": "example-id-123",
    "payload": {
      "resource": {
        "type": "bill",
        "id": "579b695decfa11012711875d"
      "data": {
        "company": {
          "name": "XYZ Electric"
        "paymentMethod": {
          "_id": "5c5b2ed67d94870391c30b33",
          "type": "card",
          "name": "Johnny Appleseed",
          "status": "verified",
          "default": true,
          "card": {
            "number": "XXXX1111",
            "bin": "41111111",
            "brand": "visa",
            "type": "credit",
            "expDate": "2021-06-01T12:00:00.000Z",
            "cancelled": false
          "assignedBills": [
        "bill": {
          "dueDate": {
            "current": "2019-03-28 17:00:00.000"
          "amount": {
            "current": "40.00"
        "trigger": "client"

When a scheduled payment is cancelled.

Attribute Description
type bill.payment.cancelled
payload.data.company The company object linked to this resource.
payload.data.paymentMethod The payment method object linked to the payment.
payload.data.bill Object containing the names of the bill attributes that have changed and their previous values if available.
payload.data.trigger The entity that triggered this event. Possible values are client, system.

Bill payment failed

Example bill.payment.failed Event

  "event": {
    "_id": "580e3e11dec21e861b5a3719",
    "type": "bill.payment.failed",
    "created": "2016-04-20T16:51:12Z",
    "clientId": "579b695decfa110127118752",
    "partnerId": "55942f330cfcfd6c4ed529d9",
    "identifier": "example-id-123",
    "payload": {
      "resource": {
        "type": "bill",
        "id": "579b695decfa11012711875d"
      "data": {
        "amount": "25.21",
        "company": {
          "name": "Netflix"
            "_id": "5c5b2ed67d94870391c30b33",
            "type": "card",
            "name": "Johnny Appleseed",
            "status": "verified",
              "number": "XXXX1111",
              "bin": "41111111",
              "brand": "visa",
              "type": "credit",
              "expDate": "2021-06-01T12:00:00.000Z",

When a payment is unsuccessful.

Attribute Description
type bill.payment.failed
payload.data.company The company linked to this resource.
payload.data.paymentMethod The payment method linked to the payment.
payload.data.amount The amount of the unsuccesful payment.

Swap success

Example swap.success Event

  "event": {
    "_id": "580e3e11dec21e861b5a3719",
    "type": "swap.success",
    "created": "2016-04-20T16:51:12Z",
    "clientId": "579b695decfa110127118752",
    "partnerId": "55942f330cfcfd6c4ed529d9",
    "identifier": "example-id-123",
    "payload": {
      "resource": {
        "type": "swap",
        "id": "5ce443c56013221715960365"
      "data": {
        "clientId": "5c7c01c11f915c41f89de856",
        "company": {
          "_id": "5bd885fccd274b4324a21f57",
          "name": "Test Merchant",
          "status": "operational",
          "logo": {
            "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/1a49a63fa87749b3abdf74c2ee9deb36.png",
            "background": false,
            "svg": {
              "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/968e40f95dd9a0e85cbae10fb221059b.svg",
              "color": "06C580"
            "symbol": {
              "url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-assets.unbill.io-primary/uploads/utility-provider-logos/2533c1ac55b047c770085cc24e3d1e85.svg",
              "color": "06C580"
          "auth": {
            "urls": {
              "login": "https://biller-direct.q2open.io",
              "signup": "https://www.q2ebanking.com/",
              "forgotUser": "https://www.q2ebanking.com/",
              "forgotPassword": "https://www.q2ebanking.com/"
            "loginFields": [
                "placeholder": "Username",
                "formType": "text",
                "name": "username",
                "label": "Username"
                "placeholder": "Password",
                "formType": "password",
                "name": "password",
                "label": "Password"
          "userPresenceRequired": false,
          "supportedItems": ["auth", "bill", "swap", "payment"]
        "paymentMethod": {
          "_id": "5c8dc5ea03bb895bc3868a28",
          "type": "card",
          "name": "John Doe",
          "status": "verified",
          "card": {
            "number": "XXXX4444",
            "bin": "11111111",
            "brand": "visa",
            "type": "credit",
            "expDate": "2023-06-01T12:00:00.000Z",
            "cancelled": false
    "_id": "5ceec9223b461830de21b024",
    "type": "swap.success",
    "clientId": "5c7c01c11f915c41f89de856",
    "partnerId": "58f528495d3f18631d04c4a1",
    "identifier": "412255",
    "created": "2019-05-29T18:02:10.804Z",
    "__v": 0

When a swap is successful.

Attribute Description
type swap.success
payload.resource.id The ID of the swap that was successful.
payload.resource.type The type of resource referred to by the resource.id. Value: swap.
payload.data.clientId The clientId linked to the swap.
payload.data.company The company object related to the swap.
payload.data.paymentMethod The payment method object linked to the swap.

Webhook security

The Biller Direct/Cardswap system can also apply additional security measures to webhook events sent to partners. These measures include oauth authentication, payload encryption and request signing.

OAuth Authentication

The webhook can be set up to retrieve a client credentials token from an OAuth endpoint provided by the partner. The OAuth response must follow the standard client credentials format. This token will be cached in Biller Direct/Cardswap until its expiration nears and at that point another token will be requested from the endpoint. The resulting token will be passed as a Bearer token in the Authorization header along with the event payload.

Setup in Nexus

Example Encrypted Request

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/jose+json


Payload Encryption

Event messages to webhook endpoints may be encrypted using standards-based JWE (JSON Web Encryption) compact formatting. In the case of JWE formatting the key ID (kid) is stored in the JWE header included in the encoded payload.

JWE Settings

Setup in Nexus

Example Signature JWT Headers

  "typ": "JWT",
  "alg": "RS256",
  "kid": "key_id_3",
  "x5t": "Mx3Fyhwerew23wfs"

Example Signature JWT Claims

  "aud": "audience.example.com",
  "iss": "example issuer",
  "exp": 1579754951

RSA Request Signing

Webhook requests may include a request signature for verification. In the case of webhooks, a signed JWT (JSON Web Token) will be created and sent in a header of the webhook event request. The header defaults to signature but this can be customized to whichever header the partner would like.

RSA Signing Keys

RSA request signing key-pairs can be created in the Nexus portal Settings view, and the public key can be copied.

Request Signature Setup